Mandatory certification of computer billing programs

Computer billing programs

From 1 January next year can only be used computerized billing programs that have obtained the prior certification of the Tax Directorate General (DGCI), as follows from Article 123, paragraph 8, of the Code IRC, and Decree No. 363/2010 of 23 June. This requirement for prior certification is to ensure that the computer billing programs have a greater degree of transparency and rigor. These programs go through this, from now on, must observe a set of technical rules that ensure the inviolability of information initially registered, of which the issue of the corresponding certificate. Exclusive use of computer programs certified in accordance with the provisions of Ordinance No. 363/2010 is mandatory: ?? From January 1, 2011, for taxable persons who, in the previous year, had a turnover of more than EUR 250,000; ?? From January 1, 2012, for taxable persons who, in the previous year, had a turnover of more than EUR 150,000. The use of software of uncertified billing is punishable by a fine varying between 250 and 12 500 euros, in accordance with Article 128, paragraph 2, of the General Regime of Tax Infractions. Watchful so Your Excellency to the need, where appropriate, timely fill this obligation and inform the DGCI is publicly available, on the Portal of Finance ( an updated list of software billing certificates and their versions as well as identification of their producers.