Validation in E-Fatura of Expenses to Be Considered in IRS

Throughout 2024, invoices for various goods/services requested by each taxpayer using their tax identification number (NIF) have been or should have been reported to the Tax Authority (AT) based on the CAE (Economic Activity Code) of the entity that issued the invoice. However, their registration is not always properly categorized under the correct deduction item.

According to the legislation in force, these expenses can only be automatically considered deductible in the IRS if they are previously validated in the E-Fatura system, with a deadline of February 25, 2025. Therefore, you should validate and/or register these invoices through the AT portal under “Citizens – E-Fatura: Invoices/Consumer/Complement Invoice Information.” You must check whether the invoices are recorded under the correct activity and categorize those that are not assigned to any category (Other).

If you have an open self-employment activity, expenses related to the activity or those for which VAT has been deducted must be identified as belonging to the activity (selecting “Yes”), and you must also indicate whether they are fully or partially related to the activity. Expenses outside the scope of professional activity should be identified as not belonging to the activity (selecting “No”).

Note: It is possible to manually enter expenses related to professional activity, healthcare, training and education, real estate, and nursing home costs in the IRS Model 3 form to be submitted by taxpayers. This disregards the information communicated through the E-Fatura portal, without prejudice to the obligation to provide proof of these expenses.

TAX INFORMATION 2 2025 – Update on Per Diems 2025

Limits applicable to the private sector, according to Decree-Law No. 1/2025

Decree-Law No. 1/2025, of January 16, has been published, amending the remuneration base and updating the salaries and per diem allowances for Public Administration. Below are the limits applicable to the private sector.

A – Within national territory (updated by 5%)
General workers: 65.89 euros
Members of corporate bodies: 72.65 euros

B – Abroad: To be determined by Ordinance for 2025
The amounts in effect in 2024 were:
General workers: 148.91 euros
Members of corporate bodies: 167.07 euros

Tax Limits for Other Allowances in 2025
Transport (per km) in a private vehicle: 0.40 euros
– Meal allowance paid in cash: 6 euros
– Meal allowance paid in vouchers, meal tickets/cards: 10.20 euros


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Obligation to File and Preserve It

Taxpayers are required to file and keep in good order all books, records, and supporting documents for a period of 10 years, unless a different period is specified by a special provision. This includes documentation related to the analysis, programming, and execution of computerized processes, as well as backup copies of data supporting invoicing and accounting software.

Whenever taxpayers exercise a right with a time frame exceeding the previously mentioned period, the obligation to file and preserve all books, records, and supporting documents shall remain in effect until the expiration of the statute of limitations for the assessment of the corresponding taxes.

Invoices and other tax-relevant documents must be kept in a sequential and uninterrupted manner, adhering to the filing plan and ensuring the individualization of each fiscal year, encompassing all documents in their entirety. These documents, if in paper format, may be digitized and archived electronically. The destruction of original documents issued or received in paper form is only permitted after the necessary controls have been ensured. For invoices related to the acquisition of goods or services, this can only occur after the right to VAT deduction has been exercised, if applicable, and the respective accounting record has been made.

Social Security – Contracting Entities

Entities are considered contracting entities if they are legal persons or individuals engaged in business activities, regardless of their nature or objectives, that, within the same calendar year, pay more than 50% of the total income earned by a self-employed worker.

The contribution obligation for contracting entities arises when Social Security determines and officially communicates the value of the services provided to them. The deadline for contracting entities to pay their contributions to Social Security is by the 20th of the month following the notification. Failure to meet this deadline may result in the imposition of penalties as well as late payment interest, in accordance with the law.

Obligation to report inventories to the Tax Authority by January 31, 2025

All taxpayers, whether individuals or legal entities, with headquarters, a permanent establishment, or a tax residence in Portugal, who maintain organized accounting and are required to prepare an inventory, must report their inventories to the Tax Authority (AT). Taxpayers subject to the simplified taxation regime for personal income tax (IRS) or corporate income tax (IRC) in the year to which the inventory refers (2024) are exempt from this obligation. It is important to note that Non-Profit Sector Entities (ESNL) are also required to report their inventory, provided they meet the aforementioned requirements.

FISCAL INFORMATION 1 2025 – Update RMMG, IAS, Meal Allowance 2025

The Decree-Law No. 112/2024 of December 19 – State Budget for 2025 has already been published. We highlight some significant changes that will take effect from January 1, 2025.

  • Guaranteed Minimum Monthly Wage (RMMG) for 2025 – €870 (€820 in 2024);
  • Social Support Index (IAS) for 2025 – €522.50 (€509.26 in 2024);
  • The tax-exempt meal allowance amount, when paid via card, for 2025 – €10.20 (€9.60 in 2024), with the tax-exempt cash limit remaining at €6.


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Obligation to Appoint a Statutory Auditor (ROC)

Are always required to appoint a Statutory Auditor (ROC) to perform the legal review of accounts, all of the following:

  • Permanent representations and branches established in Portugal of companies headquartered abroad (non-residents with a permanent establishment in Portugal);
  • Public limited companies (sociedades anónimas);
  • Non-profit entities that present consolidated accounts;
  • Private limited companies (sociedades por quotas) and non-profit entities that do not present consolidated accounts, whenever, for two consecutive years, two out of the following three thresholds are exceeded:
  1. Total assets: 1,500,000 euros;
  2. Total net sales and other income: 3,000,000 euros;
  3. Average number of employees during the fiscal year: 50.

The appointment of a Statutory Auditor (ROC) is no longer required if the company establishes a supervisory board or if two of the three previously mentioned criteria are not met for two consecutive years.

Regarding private social solidarity institutions and similar entities covered by the Cooperation Protocol signed by the National Confederation of Solidarity Institutions, the Union of Portuguese Misericórdias, and the Union of Portuguese Mutualities with the Ministry of Solidarity and Social Security, the above-mentioned thresholds are multiplied by a factor of 1.70.

The provisions of the previous paragraph also apply to humanitarian firefighter associations.

Legal basis: Article 262 of the CSC; Circular No. 18/2024 of the OROC; Article 12 of Decree-Law No. 36-A/2011, of March 9.

Annual Accounts Approval – Why Is It Important?

The annual accounts approval is a legal obligation for all Commercial Companies in Portugal. Except for specific exemptions, this obligation must occur once a year, no later than the end of the third month following the end of the fiscal year.

This is the moment when the administrators/managers present the accounts to the shareholders for discussion and approval.

After the accounts are approved, they must be registered, which is done through the submission of the IES (Simplified Business Information).

The IES fulfills, in a single act, several corporate obligations to the Public Administration, including the submission of the annual accounting and tax information declaration to the Tax and Customs Authority, the registration of the accounts with the Commercial Registry Office, the provision of statistical information to INE (Statistics Portugal), and the submission of annual accounting data for statistical purposes to the Bank of Portugal and the Directorate-General for Economic Activities.

The submission of the accounts registration must be completed by the 15th day of the seventh month following the end of the fiscal year, which typically coincides with July 15.

Companies that fail to register their accounts for two consecutive years are subject to administrative dissolution and liquidation proceedings.

Therefore, this obligation is of utmost importance, and its submission is carried out by the company’s Certified Accountant.

Sole Proprietorship – Effects

A single-member limited liability company is formed by a sole shareholder, either an individual or a legal entity, who holds the entire share capital. The company’s name must include the term “single-member company” or the word “single-member” before “limited” or its abbreviation “Ltd.”. Effects of Sole Proprietorship:

  • An individual may only be a shareholder in one single-member limited liability company.
  • A limited liability company cannot have a single-member limited liability company as its sole shareholder.
  • In the event of a violation of these rules, any interested party may request the administrative dissolution of the companies.
  • The competent registration authority may grant a 30-day period to rectify the situation, which can be extended up to 90 days upon request by the interested parties.

Extension of the Reduced VAT Rate on Electricity Consumption

On August 7, 2024, Law No. 38/2024 was published, extending the application of the reduced VAT rate (6%) to electricity consumption.

This law, which will come into effect on January 1, 2025, amends item 2.38 of List I annexed to the VAT Code, which will now read as follows:

2.38 – Supply of electricity for consumption, excluding its fixed components, for contracted power not exceeding 6.90 kVA, limited to the following consumption levels:

  • 200 kWh per 30-day period;
  • 300 kWh per 30-day period when purchased for consumption by large families, defined as households with five or more members.