IVA repayments
IVA repayments, new rules. Differences in ‘e-invoice’ catch return of IVA. Companies can not have disagreements or be in default.
Late last year entered into force new tighter rules for granting refunds of IVA. Find out what has changed.
1 bills Control
The Plan to Combat Fraud and Evasion and Customs 2015-2017 approved control measures from the obligation to issue invoices and communication and control of obligations IVA.
2 Lack? Divergences
For the VAT refund is granted there can be no differences between the value of output tax and the amount of deductible VAT (repayments) by companies in the periodic return and the amount of IVA contained in the invoices sent to the system ‘e-invoice’ . If differences exist refund is suspended. The company will then have to be notified to rectify the discrepancy.? If there is no place to this regulation, the application shall be dismissed. This system is being criticized because it catches many cases that are not, in practice, non-compliance, and because rectification of divergence implies a lengthy work for companies, as reported the ‘Business Journal’.
3 Absence? Default
Taxpayers can not be on fiscal and declarative event of default of payments on account of tax obligations or communications to the AT, particularly for IVA, IRS or IRC.
4 relations with non-existent taxpayers
They can not contain the relationship between customers and suppliers, taxpayers with non-existent tax identification number or taxpayers who have ceased activity in the period to which the tax.
5 electronic Mailbox
The taxpayer must notify the Tax Authority and Customs your electronic mailbox.
6 suspension of the deadline for IVA refunds
The repayment term is suspended when the taxpayer has not made available to the competent authorities the information requested and whenever there is evidence of tax crime.
News source : Ecomómico