Validation in E-Fatura of Expenses to Be Considered in IRS

Throughout 2024, invoices for various goods/services requested by each taxpayer using their tax identification number (NIF) have been or should have been reported to the Tax Authority (AT) based on the CAE (Economic Activity Code) of the entity that issued the invoice. However, their registration is not always properly categorized under the correct deduction item.

According to the legislation in force, these expenses can only be automatically considered deductible in the IRS if they are previously validated in the E-Fatura system, with a deadline of February 25, 2025. Therefore, you should validate and/or register these invoices through the AT portal under “Citizens – E-Fatura: Invoices/Consumer/Complement Invoice Information.” You must check whether the invoices are recorded under the correct activity and categorize those that are not assigned to any category (Other).

If you have an open self-employment activity, expenses related to the activity or those for which VAT has been deducted must be identified as belonging to the activity (selecting “Yes”), and you must also indicate whether they are fully or partially related to the activity. Expenses outside the scope of professional activity should be identified as not belonging to the activity (selecting “No”).

Note: It is possible to manually enter expenses related to professional activity, healthcare, training and education, real estate, and nursing home costs in the IRS Model 3 form to be submitted by taxpayers. This disregards the information communicated through the E-Fatura portal, without prejudice to the obligation to provide proof of these expenses.